Relaunch Of HummingBird Harmony 🌺 For Queer Games Bundle 2024

during this update i have

Devlog: Hummingbird Harmony Update

Title Screen and Credits:

I have added a fresh coat of paint to Hummingbird Harmony with the introduction of a brand new title screen and credits sequence. Now, players will be greeted with an inviting title screen before embarking on their journey through the game. The credits section pays homage to all the talented individuals and resources that made this game possible.

Gameplay Upgrade:

In response to player feedback, we've revamped the gameplay mechanics to enhance the experience. Now, players have three hit points to withstand the onslaught of hornets, adding an extra layer of challenge and strategy to the game. Additionally, I have removed the scattered coins and the unnecessary score system to streamline the gameplay and focus on the core mechanics.

Dialogue System:

One of the most significant additions to Hummingbird Harmony is the introduction of a robust dialogue system. This system allows us to incorporate immersive story elements seamlessly into the gameplay. While still slightly buggy, we believe that this dialogue system adds depth and intrigue to the world of Hummingbird Harmony, enriching the overall player experience.

Overall Satisfaction:

We're thrilled with how Hummingbird Harmony has evolved with these latest updates. From the charming title screen to the refined gameplay mechanics and the introduction of a narrative through the dialogue system, we feel that the game has reached a new level of polish and engagement. On average, players can expect to spend anywhere from 6 to 10 minutes completing this enchanting adventure.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. We can't wait for you to experience the magic of Hummingbird Harmony for yourself!


HummingBird Harmony 🌺 Play in browser
May 01, 2024
HummingBird Harmony 🌺 179 MB
May 01, 2024

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